Reports & Products: Reports

The Post-High School Outcome of Young Adults With Disabilities up to 8 Years After High School (September 2011)

Publication Number: NCSER 2011-3005

This report uses data from the final wave of the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 study to provide a national picture of post-high school outcomes and experiences of young adults with disabilities, up to 8 years after high school, when young adults were ages 21 to 25. The report includes postsecondary enrollment rates and experiences; employment rates and experiences; engagement in employment, education, and/or job training activities; household circumstances (e.g., residential independence, parenting status); and social and community involvement. Findings are presented by disability category, high school-leaving status, and demographic characteristics, and included comparisons with similar-age young adults in the general population.


  • Chapter 1: Young Adults With Disabilities: Study Background and Methods
  • Chapter 2: Postsecondary Education
  • Chapter 3: Employment
  • Chapter 4: Productive Engagement in the Community
  • Chapter 5: Household Circumstances of Young Adults With Disabilities
  • Chapter 6: Social and Community Involvement of Young Adults With Disabilities

Suggested Citation

Newman, L., Wagner, M., Knokey, A.-M., Marder, C., Nagle, K., Shaver, D., Wei, X., with Cameto, R., Contreras, E., Ferguson, K., Greene, S., and Schwarting, M. (2011). The Post-High School Outcomes of Young Adults With Disabilities up to 8 Years After High School. A Report From the National Longitudinal Transition Study-2 (NLTS2) (NCSER 2011-3005). Menlo Park, CA: SRI International. Available at